Happy Easter

Great day! Woke up and watched the kids hunt for the eggs in the yard, then ate breakfast. We had to go to my mom’s house for Easter dinner. I do hate that ride, she lives in North Carolina while we live in Virginia. It only takes an hour to get there, but it seems like a very long hour. It goes through very rural country, so not much to see. Although on the way home we saw two deer cross the road in front of us. So there was that. While at Mom’s house grandson decided to display his new vocabulary skills by calling his cousin a pussy. Yep, that happened. He is only six and sadly we have a neighbor child who is a couple of years older who has been calling grandson these names, so he decided to use them on someone else. We have banned this neighbor child from visiting, but they still have to ride the bus to school together. So it seems to be a daily thing that this boy calls my grandson names and flips him off.

Still in countdown mode for Vegas, we are now at 14 days. Oh I can’t wait. I keep reading trip reports and blogs about Vegas, even though we have been several times, I still like to read about other’s adventures and get some ideas from them about other stuff to do that might not always make the top ten. We are renting a car this time instead of relying on taxis. Hopefully we will come out less expensive than using taxi service. We got what I think is a great deal through alamo for 4 days at 115 bucks. A cab just to the hotel and to downtown would run us 80 bucks at least and this way we can take a side trip to the hoover dam and some ghost towns around the area. I hope to be able to write up a trip report when we get home, but I am a procrastinator and it might take some time.

until next time…

Countdown Mode

UGH!! I am in countdown mode, we are 17 days away from traveling to Las Vegas. Vegas is one of our favorite places to go. We love gambling and we love sightseeing and both of these are found in Vegas 24 hours a day. I personally love the variety of people I see on the strip as well as downtown. This will be our first trip alone, just the two of us, without a child in tow. I say child but we have three children who range in age from 26 down to 21.   I am not one of those that brings small children to Vegas, I hate that as much as the next. I guess what I should say is that children younger than 21 can go to Vegas, but have no business being on the strip at 2 in the morning, or running through the casino at 10 at night because mom and dad want to gamble but do not have a babysitter. Vegas is a wonderful place with lots of things to do for families, but it isn’t much fun when the parents don’t plan ahead.

All about me

I guess my first entry should be a background of who I am. My name is Kim, I am in my mid forties, mom of three grown children (??) and one grandchild. My husband and I have been married for 26 years, a rarity these days it seems. I try to think of my self as open and receiving of new ideas and ways of seeing the world. I try not to judge on first appearances (sometimes I fail at that). I am outspoken with very little filter on what comes out of my mouth. I welcome diverse ideas and spirited debates. That does not imply being mean or rude, if that’s how you roll, go on over to 4chan or any other trolling site. I believe that we can all agree and disagree without hurting one another in the process. I am a feminist to my core and I wear that label proudly. I am creating this blog as a way of being able to rant about things that piss me off as well as rave about things that are going great. There may be some f bombs thrown in for good measure especially if I am really passionate about what I am writing about. If easily offended by that just go away now.  And now on with the show…